Friday, October 18, 2024

Memorial of Saints (October 18)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Luke, apostle and evangelist
  • Justus of Beauvais, martyr

Luke (died 1st c. A.D.): Syrian physician from Antioch and companion of Paul; authored c. 70-85 A.D. Acts of the Apostles and the gospel for the gentile Christians; it speaks of God's mercy, universal salvation, love of the poor and marginalized, absolute renunciation, prayer and the Holy Spirit; represented by a winged ox (cf. Ezekiel 1); patron of the medical profession, painters, artists, sculptors and butchers.

The gospel of Luke is often referred to by post-Vatican II bible scholars as a two volume book known as Luke-Acts. The author of the gospel is also the author of the Acts of the Apostles. When reading both books, one can see the missionary works of Jesus continued by the missionary works of His followers. The apostles and St. Paul continue the mission of Jesus in the book of Acts. Learn more

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Memorial of Saints (October 17)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Ignatius of Antioch
  • John the Dwarf;
  • Anstrudis or Anstrude, virgin;
  • Nothelm, bishop;
  • Seraphino, confessor

Ignatius: (died c. 107 A.D.) under Trajan in Rome's amphitheater; from Syria; Apostolic Father known as the second successor of St. Peter in Antioch; wrote seven letters to local communities on church unity and structure, esp. the monoepiscopacy; first to use the term "Catholic Church" as a collective designation for Christians; mentioned in the Roman Canon.

St. Anstrudis (died ca. 700 A.D.) succeeded her mother as abbess of a Laon abbey. She incurred the enmity of mayor Ebroin because she opposed him when her brother Baldwin was murdered. She was subjected to many harrassments until Bl. Pepin of Landen put her under his protection.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In Search of True Wisdom

In Search of True Wisdom: Visits to Eastern Spiritual Fathers, by Sergius Bolshakoff and M. Basil Pennington, OCSO


Christian spiritual tradition has a basic core of values and an essential body of truths, that even the major rifts in theological understanding between the West and the East in the Eastern schism of 1054 A.D., has not changed radically the common understanding of God and the tradition of prayer between them. Though the East has separated from the Catholic West because of a theological dispute in the role of the Holy Spirit, the Orthodox Church in the East, which grew and developed since that schism, continued in its spiritual traditions. These traditions have remained mostly unchanged due to the monks who preserved the religious practices associated with it. A book that can be read in relation spirituality of the Eastern Christian Church is "In Search of True Wisdom: Visits to Eastern Spiritual Fathers" by Sergius Bolshakoff. The author, Bro. Sergius, writes this book and speaks of his experiences of learning the spiritual wisdom of the Eastern fathers and monks.

Bro. Sergius Bolshakoff

As a young man in 1919 A.D., Sergius did not want to do anything with the Bolsheviks of Russia. He settled in Estonia to pursue an education in engineering. While studying to be an engineer, he discovered and met Russian Catholics and their communities outside Russia. An inspiration led him to conceive a work for the unity of these Russian Christians in the face of the Bolshevik influence. Seeking advice, he was told to learn more of his own Orthodox tradition. He began to pursue theological studies at Pskovo-Petchersky Monastery. The situation at that monastery led him to live in the West, at the newly established Latin-Byzantine Benedictine Monastery at Amay - modern-day Chevtogne.

Over the course of years, Sergius became convinced that his life is to be spent in the cause of Church unity. Christians of both the East and West, especially monks, need to share from the experience of each other's community's life and search for God, the source of all unity. And so, in England, on December 27, 1928 A.D., in the Anglican Benedictine Monastery of Nashdown, Bro. Sergius made a lifetime commitment [in the hands of the Orthodox Bishop of Berlin, Tikhon Ljoshenko] to seek perfection according to the Rule of Saint Benedict as a lay oblate and to work for Christian unity.

This profession was quite extraordinary, since it was the first time an Orthodox had committed himself to the Rule of the Patriarch of Western monasticism because the Benedictine monasteries on Mount Athos died out, in the thirteenth century.

A travelogue of interviews with wise and holy monks

Bro. Sergius' lifetime commitment led him in a road untravelled - one where he would visit the old monasteries in the East, particularly within and around Russia - listening and learning from the old and holy monks about a spirituality that is rooted in the classic and sound traditions of Orthodoxy. This book by Bro. Sergius is very interesting: both in the personages that are featured [the old holy monks], and in the spiritual teaching they impart from both learning and experience.

One great teaching these monks commonly share about is the "Jesus Prayer", a prayer that can be used as a mantra in one's meditation or prayers. This is the prayer:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."

In one of his interviews with the holy monks, Bro. Sergius learned that the "Jesus Prayer" is the duty of all Orthodox and should not be neglected. The prayer must not only be prayed externally but also interiorly in mind, heart and soul.

Bro. Sergius teaches how to begin the practice of the Jesus Prayer:

  • one must first lead a wise and abstentious life, avoiding all luxuries and all carnal pleasure
  • one must watch over one's sense of sight, hearing, and other senses and limit speech to the needful
  • one must learn to live in true solitude: the ascesis of solitude of the heart and a true seclusion while still living in the world
  • one must master one's passions
  • one must do penance and have a true sorrow for one's sins
  • one must have deep humility, humble wisdom, setting one's neighbor's good before one's own, have evangelical love of neighbor, desire to be unknown and to leave behind worldly vanity

The book is a treasure of great spiritual teachings from the Eastern saints - who have been very contemplative and have led lives of intense prayer and solitude. To have more ideas of what this book contains, the following list enumerates the travels Bro. Sergius made and the holy persons whom he had the privilege to interview about Eastern Orthodox spirituality:

  • At the Lavra of Saint Alexander Nevsky: Father Sergius
  • In the Tradition of Bishop Ignatius: Hierodeacon Isaya Bobinin
  • Father Theophan and the Pskovo-Petchersky Monastery
  • Hieromonk Dorofey of Konevitsa: The First Steps on the Spiritual Journey
  • In the Far North: Hieromonk John of Petchenga
  • Hegumen John, Exiled from Solitude
  • The Tradition of Valaam: Hieroschimonk Luke
  • The Recluse of Uusi Valamo: Hieroschimonk Michael
  • Archimandrite Ilian, Hegumen of Aghios Panteleimonos
  • A Good Monk at Dionysiou: Father Euthemios
  • A Monk in Exile: Father Tikhon Voinov
  • The Young Elder: Archimandrite Aimilianos
  • Stavronkikita: Father Paisios and Archimandrite Vasileios
  • Archimandrite Sophrony: Disciple of Father Silouan
  • Mount Athos in Boston: Archimandrite Panteleimon
  • A Noble Spiritual Mother: Mother Alexandra

As regards Russian Orthodox terms which are particular to Orthodox spiritual tradition, there is a glossary at the back of the book which defines and describes the meaning of these terms which are not known as well to Western Catholics. There is also a map of the Russian mainland to help locate certain places where the mentioned monasteries are built. The book is not only spiritually enriching because of the depth of spiritual insights, but also entertaining since it gives vivid imagery of the Russian countryside, the freshness and tranquillity of the Finnish lakes, the vastness of the forests, the giant conifers and many more.

Memorial of Saints (October 18)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints Luke, apostle and evangelist Justus of Beauvais, martyr Luke (died 1st c. ...