
Friday, February 07, 2025

Memorial of Saints (February 7)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Colette, virgin
  • Adaucus, martyr
  • Theodore of Heraclea, martyr
  • Moses, bishop
  • Richard, "King"
  • Luke the Younger

St. Colette (1381-1447 A.D.) was a daughter of a carpenter at Corbie Abbey in Picardy, France. She began as a Franciscan tertiary who lived at Corbie as a solitary. In 1406 A.D., in response to a dream, she saw her calling to reform the Poor Clares. Receiving the Poor Clare habit from Peter Luna, with orders to reform the Order and appointing her superior, she began her work in reforming all the convents of the Poor Clares. Despite great opposition, she was successful in her reformation of the Order and founded seventeen more convents with the reformed rule. She was canonized in 1807 A.D. and a branch of the Poor Clares known as the Colettines was named in her honor.

St. Theodore of Heraclea (date of death unknown) was a resident of Heraclea in Pontus. He became a general in the army of Emperor Licinius and also a governor of Pontus. When it was discovered that he was a Christian, he was tortured and then beheaded by order of Licinius. Theodore is often surnamed Stratelates (general) and is one of the four honored by the Greeks as "a great martyr".

Saints in the Byzantine Calendar [February 7]

  • Parthenius, Bishop of Lampsachia
  • Luke

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