Monday, September 30, 2013

26th Sunday of the Year (C)

Inspire in Us the Practice of Good (2011-2013):

Reflections for Liturgical Years 2011 (A), 2012 (B), and 2013 (C)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Liturgical readings
Amos 6:1, 4-7
Psalm 146
1 Timothy 6:11-16
Luke 16:19-31

"Eventually...the soul of the beggar Lazarus...was carried by angels to the bosom of Abraham."

Jesus said to the Pharisees:

"Once there was a rich man
who dressed in purple
        and linen
        and feasted splendidly
        every day.

At his gate lay a beggar
        named Lazarus
        who was covered with sores.

Lazarus longed to eat the scraps
that fell from the rich man's table.

The dogs even came
and licked his sores.

Eventually the beggar died.

He was carried by angels
to the bosom of Abraham.

The rich man likewise died
and was buried.

From the abode of the dead
where he was in torment,
he raised his eyes
and saw Abraham afar off,
and Lazarus resting in his bosom."

"He called out,

'Father Abraham,
have pity on me.
Send Lazarus to dip
the tip of his finger in water
to refresh my tongue,
for I am tortured in these flames.'

'My child,'

replied Abraham,

'remember that you were well off
in your lifetime,
while Lazarus was in misery.

Now he has found consolation here,
but you have found torment.

And that is not all.

Between you and us
there is fixed a great abyss,
so that those who might wish to cross
from here to you cannot do so,
nor can anyone cross from your side to us.'

I ask you then,'

the rich man said,

'send him to my father's house
where I have five brothers.

Let him be a warning to them
so that they may not end
        in this place of torment.'

Abraham answered

'They have Moses and the prophets.
Let them hear them'.

'No, Father Abraham.'
replied the rich man.

'But if someone would only go
to them from the dead,
then they would repent.'

Abraham said to him,

'If they do not listen to Moses
and the prophets
they will not be convinced
even if one should rise from the dead.'"

Points for reflection and prayer:
"The fatherless and the widow he sustains." (Psalm 146)
"Seek after integrity, piety, faith, love, steadfastness, and a gentle spirit." (1 Timothy)
"The Lord shall reign forever; your God, O Sion, through all generations." (Psalm 146)

Memorial of Saints (July 8)

Aquila and Prisca; Procopius, martyr; Kilian and Companions, martyrs; Withburga, virgin; Adrian III, pope; Grimbald; Sunniva and Companions;...