Saturday, April 07, 2012

Christ lives again through our witness

John 20:1-9

It is Christ risen from the dead that inspires us to promote a culture of life.

If we read the gospels and use our imagination, we can picture in our imagination the excitement which the sight of the empty tomb did to three of Jesus' followers: Mary Magdalene, Peter and John. All three were moved to "run". First it was Mary Magdalene. After she saw the "stone moved away" at the tomb, she "ran" to Simon Peter and to John - reporting to them all that she saw. We can picture in our mind how she may have been short of breath, eyes brimming with apprehension, and with a heightened intensity in her voice. For the gospel notes her report to the apostles with exclamation marks! 

She told her story to the apostles. So, Simon Peter and John also "ran" to find out for themselves what happened. Although we know that Christ as risen, the three at that time did not know this yet. They did not fully understand all that the Lord was telling them while He was with them. 

Christ made it known in the gospel of John that He is the Resurrection and the Life.  This truth was backed up by His miracles. Example of these miracles were: the story of the widow of Nain's only son; Jairus' daughter; and the moving resurrection story of Martha and Mary's dead brother, Lazarus. Jesus did not only cure the sick, drive out demons, save His apostles from the storm, and feed a hungry multitudes. He brought the dead back to life. These miracles of life lead us to the Source of Life Himself: His Body and Blood - which had been given to all by His sacrifice on the Cross. His 
Body and Blood is now what we receive in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. By the power of His Risen body, we live again and are strengthened from all forms of "death" around us.

Christ lives again not only in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, but in the very witness of our lives, words and deeds. The work Jesus began, we in the Church continue. It is a work of mercy; it is a work of peace. Everyone in the Church is called to participate in this work and mission of Christ to promote life to the fullest - "from womb to tomb". What gives us strength in our witness is Christ Himself - in the Eucharist and in the communities we live and work in. The more we integrate our faith in the very routines and special events of our lives, the more we shall see and experience the life of Christ in us. And there will be special moments when we may be impelled by His Spirit to promote a culture of life and peace through simple acts of kindness, patience and generosity.

Memorial of Saints (July 8)

Aquila and Prisca; Procopius, martyr; Kilian and Companions, martyrs; Withburga, virgin; Adrian III, pope; Grimbald; Sunniva and Companions;...