Sunday, March 07, 2021

God's call

God's call surprises us. Before awareness of His call, we are busy about our routines. His call ennobles us - opening us to a broader vision of life, meaning and direction. It either separates us from the routines of the working world or integrates us into a whole new direction of understanding.

One example who followed God's call was Abraham. Abraham was old and had no heir. In the eyes of others, especially the Jewish culture, he lacked life. But that changed when the Lord called him to be His friend - and to be the father of many nations. When Abraham became aware of this call, he did not know what would lie ahead of him. He had no idea where the Lord would lead him. But he trusted and had confidence in God. His journey in faith led to the fruition of God's promise - a son. The fruition of God's promise did not end in Abraham's receiving an heir. His journey to believe in God continued on till the end of his life.  

Are we also called by God like Abraham? 

Certainly and in many ways. It might not be in the same degree as Abraham, but the quality of God's call for each one of us is truly of much value, even priceless. It is up to us to discover what our specific call is. It is unique to each and everyone of us. All of God's calls to His children are unique and singular, as each of us were created by Him to know, love and serve Him in the manner He wills for us. Each one of us are "fearfully and wonderfully made" as the Psalmist expresses in the one of the Psalms. All of us have a role to play in the plan of God to redeem humanity and the local environment in which we live and work. What that role is will surely contribute to the building of the Church. 

What this call is gives us an awareness. An awareness of God's love for all and how each and every one is called to share in it. It makes the drudgery routines of our life and work "enkindled", as it were, with the light of God's graces and blessings. It is an awareness that makes us see what God has greatly blessed us with and the potential of what can be done to offer Him.

There is an anecdote of two laborers who were working to materialize a plan to build something. One laborer was asked what he was doing. He said, "Oh, I'm just doing this thing day in and day out, shoveling here, putting the bricks over there, and all sorts of ordinary things a construction worker is supposed to do. It's a bit boring, but I need to make a living." The other laborer was asked what he was doing and this was what he said: "Oh, I'm doing my part in building the cathedral that the blueprint is supposed to tell us what to do! I'm excited because this cathedral will surely be a great cathedral!" 

Faith is a gift. And it is a gift we receive from a God who generously gives it. This gift and attitude of faith is what counts in life. It gives us a direction and meaning. Even when things are bleak and dismal, faith is like a beacon that directs us to hope in God more than what we ever have. It is a treasure more precious than gold or diamonds or anything materially valuable on earth. All material things will fade away, but the gift of faith, if kept alive by prayer and reflection, will strengthen our relationship with God and improve our life with others. 

Faith is a gift and a responsibility to be lived for God, others and one's own personal good. When a situation calls us to act in faith, it will direct us to work with all that we have, so that others too may obtain what they need to live according to the basic rights of all people are called to have. 

The call of God is an opportunity for Christian excellence - that excellence that makes "more than we can be" - as the song "You raise me up" exemplifies. Let us thus be sensitive to God's call and not miss this opportunity. God calls us every moment. We only need to give Him time.

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