Tuesday, October 05, 2004

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C

Increase our Faith Lord
The Lord always has the solution to everything we need. Whenever people of His time wanted to have their ailments healed, He healed them. Whenever people wanted to know about things, He taught them. And whenever people needed direction and vision in life, He preached about the Kingdom. He emphasis faith as the solution. And indeed faith in Him is the solution. If we but believe in all He says and in His person, we shall be saved. And this faith need not be a big or a great faith. All the faith that we need is the size of a mustard seed. Imagine that. A size of a mustard seed of faith can move mountains! And indeed it can. Not literally of course, but the energy and the spirit is there to get things moving in a positive direction towards the difficulties and problems that we face in life whatever they may be.

And what do we do with this gift of faith that we can be given by the Lord if we ask for it? All we need to do with this gift of faith is to use it to serve our Lord God through many means: through our families, through our work, through the parish, through our religious communities, and through our social works. This gift of faith we use in our life of service - excellent service - to our Church, our state, and our communities. Enough of power struggles. It will only lead to destruction. What is important is a sense of service excellence in the manner of our Lord who gave His life for the sake of the Kingdom. It was his faith in the Father that moved Him to preach, teach and heal in the way that He did so that people may learn the solution to life's problems: faith in Him. And even if that faith is the size of a mustard seed, it can contribute to the building of the Church.

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