Sunday, December 12, 2004

3rd Sunday of Advent - Year A

'Blest is the man who finds no stumbling block in Me'
The 3rd Sunday of Advent is what we traditionally call 'Gaudete Sunday' - a special Sunday in Advent which means 'joyful Sunday'. This Sunday in Advent reminds us that Christmas is nearing. The rose or pink candle of the Advent wreath is lit, and signifies that the coming of Christ is just around the bend.

In this 3rd Sunday of Advent, we hear Jesus performing many good deeds and miraculous actions: miracles which make the deaf hear, the blind see, the lame walk, and the sick cured. But John the Baptist and his disciples still doubt and want to be sure that Jesus is really the Christ. So, they ask Him plainly, "Are you the One who is to come or should we look for another?"

If we imagine placing ourselves in this gospel scene, (putting ourselves besides John and his disciples), would we also ask the same thing? Or would we rather not be involved, then wait and see whether this Jesus was really the Messiah foretold by the prophets in the Old Testament.

As we consider well our lives as Christians, where there times in our life that we doubted that Jesus would really save us from whatever problems, trials and difficulties we experience? What did we do to our relationship with God during this time? Did we seek prayer and the help of the Church through the Sacraments? Or did we silently rebel inside and were tempted to give up our Catholic faith?

When Christ came into the world preaching, teaching and healing, He performed many miraculous deeds which astounded people of His time. Those who believed in Him became His disciples, but whose who doubted did not give Him any attention. They just dismissed the reality that the Messiah is Someone who would usher in a spiritual kingdom instead of a political one. And since Jesus also prioritized love above the Law, the Pharisees and the scribes rejected Him and His leadership.

As we experience our world today and see so many things happening around us, what do we focus on: do we look at the negative events or do we see the positive events that are happening? If we look at the negative side of things, then this would surely raise some doubts for us about the good that God has created in the world. But if we have a positive outlook in life, faith in Christ and His saving action today would be easier.

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