Sunday, May 22, 2005

Trinity Sunday, Year A

"Yes, God so loved the world that He gave His only Son..."

It is Trinity Sunday. And we are called to reflect on God as a mystery of Love in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Yet, God is One. And He is a unity. A unity in Trinity. A mystery we are called to believe in faith.

God as Father, created the world and gave humankind and all living things life that they may live in peace and unity. However, sin continues to enter the hearts of humankind and in so doing, caused man to forget God and to love things rather than the Spirit. It seeks power in the world, riches in the world, and all the pleasures which the world can give. In so doing humankind is pulled into a direction that is not of God. But God does not condemn the world. In reality, He sent His Son, born of a woman. Born of a virgin. That He may save us from our sins.

And through the mystery of the Incarnation, His Son, Jesus, was given to us, so that we may believe in Him and regain the salvation that rightly belong to us as God's children. However, our salvation was regained by the sacrifice of Christ's life on the cross. He Himself taught us that what is important is not the power of this world nor the riches of this world. For the Evil One can use our desire of this to tempt us to go into a direction that is not of God. A direction of sin and darkness, rather than of grace and light.

When Jesus gave His life for us on the Cross, He showed how much God loves us; how much the Father loves us through Him. And He did not leave us orphans when He ascended back to heaven. Rather, He promised to send an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be with us and to guide us so that we may continue to believe in Christ and His teachings. And that Spirit that the Father has sent through Jesus, is now present in the Church.

We are thus called to follow the Spirit of God, through the teaching of Christ in our daily lives. As we frequent more the sacraments and follow the teaching of the Church, we will be assured of a direction that leads us to salvation and to eternal life. Christ is the Way, the Life and the Truth. In Him lies our salvation alone. If we but believe in Jesus, we will not be condemned but receive the forgiveness and mercy of God.

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