Sunday, June 05, 2005

10th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year A

"Follow Me"

Today, we witness the call of Jesus to Matthew to follow Him. And Matthew, who may have already heard about Jesus from what he hears about Him from the people, believed in Jesus at that point of encounter and left his post and followed Christ.

When Matthew probably was hearing about Jesus and how he was very kind to all people, even to tax collectors, prostitutes and sinners, he became very interested in Jesus and His teaching. This was probably rolling in Matthew's mind and he was trying to figure out what it was really that Jesus was aiming for and what He stood for. So he went on with his regular duties at his post and continued with his life as usual. However, when Matthew heard Jesus call him to follow, that sudden encounter with the person of Christ, made Matthew finally decide to follow Christ. The mystery of a vocation and a call is always a mystery. We can never fathom nor try to analyze what it was that made Matthew finally decide to follow Christ. It has to do with Matthew's relationship with God, himself and with others whom he has always been working with and living with.

That decision to follow Christ, made Matthew welcome Jesus to his home. And his friends were also there: fellow tax collectors and sinners. This angered the Pharisees and the Scribes because they knew that it was wrong to mingle with tax collectors and sinners. But Jesus went above the law and followed the principle of charity and service to the Kingdom His Father wants Him to found and to build. Jesus did not call righteous people nor "healthy" people because He knew they would never believe Him nor follow Him. But those who were sinners and who were outcasts of society were very happy to be called by this holy rabbi and teacher who welcomed all people, even sinners, to His Kingdom. It was probably the feeling of being accepted by God Himself that made Matthew follow Jesus. Matthew knew he was a sinner. But here then comes Jesus, representing the Father and is Himself God, called him, accepted him and welcomed him to the Kingdom he has founded and will build through the foundation of the apostles.

How are we like Matthew? Are we aware of our sinfulness? Especially our pride, selfish interests and overly ambitious desires? If Christ were to come one more time to our life again; if he once more knocks at the door of our heart and opens our mind to the designs He has for us, would we like Matthew, follow Him and become His apostle and disciple for our time? We need not to anything extraordinary in following Him. It could mean just more charity, more generous service, and more prayer activities in our present lifestyle. How ready are we to "leave our post" and follow Jesus?

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