Sunday, July 31, 2005

18th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year A

"All those present ate their fill."

Lectionary Readings for 18th Sunday Ordinary Time, Year A

In the gospel for this Sunday, we see Jesus feeding the crowds who numbered about five thousand, not counting women and children. At first, before He fed them, His disciples told him about their situation: that they were in a deserted place and that there was no feed for all of them. The disciples wanted Jesus to disperse them. But Jesus said that there was no need to disperse and dismiss the crowds. He even challenged the disciples to give the crowds something to eat. But the disciples said that they have nothing with them except for five loaves and a couple of fish. So Jesus said to them to bring those loaves and fish to them. Then in a very poignant and deeply affecting way, he took the food, blessed and broke them and gave them to the disciples to give to the people. And without really being aware of what was happening, the disciples soon realized that they were able to feed the crowd and with twelve baskets with leftover food. "All those present ate their fill."

How we need Jesus in our life today when so many people are hungry and poor. If spirit of Christ were in each one of us, then we can easily work and produce in a way that will help so many people.

In the celebration of the Eucharist, some of you may have experienced the host running out or the wine running out. And there would be a few people who would not be able to receive communion. They are just requested by the pastor to make a spiritual communion. Some who are practical, especially for those ministers of communion distributing the host, find that approximating the length of the communion line will help them to apportion the host - halfing them or breaking them into many pieces so that all may receive communion. But certainly, this does not always work as the number of those who will actually fall in line for communion cannot be determined.

How we need Christ for us today. For if Christ and His spirit of generosity and service were with us, "All will have their fill." If we give up our selfish ways and self-centered ways, then we can help so many people - especially those who hunger not only physically but also spiritually - the discouraged, the depressed, the lonely, the abandoned, the elderly who are sick, and so many others. I believe the best example of one who practices charity that is truly in Christ is Blessed Mother Teresa. If we follow also her example, and go to the poor - then we will do our part in Christ's work, Christ work in the Eucharist, to make "All people have their fill."

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