Sunday, January 29, 2006

4th Sunday of the Year, Year B

"He gives orders to unclean spirits and they obey him!"

Lectionary Readings for 4th Sunday of the Year, Year B

In this Sunday's gospel, we find Jesus ordering an unclean spirit in a man to: "Be quiet! Come out of the man!". This order convulsed the unclean spirit in the man and with a loud shriek, came out of him. With this sign, many were amazed at the power and authority that Jesus had shown. And Jesus' reputation spread more throughout the region of Galilee by this very act of his divine authority.

Jesus had power over sin and evil. And we know that despite our being made in the image and likeness of God, there still is deceit, sin and evil, that resides in us, because of concupiscence - a disorder brought about by original sin. We are also taught to know that Jesus' authority speaks to our sinful serlves when we listen to Him through the Word in Scriptures and in the sacrament of the Eucharist. There will be many times that we will be humbled and be made to realize that despite our desire to be perfect in God's eyes and in the eyes of others, we will still find the authority of God in Word and Sacrament, as always having power over our selves. But let us remember that God's power over us is not a harsh and impersonal power. Rather God, through his Holy Spirit, is a Doctor with healing power, a Teacher with teaching power, and a Sheperd with leading power, all helping us to be more in the light and closer in likeness to his Son, Jesus through the gift of his graces.

We are called then to pray always and be vigilant; and always to be constant in our desire for repentance. When we take on an attitude of humility and always have a filial fear of God, then our souls will be guarded from the evil around us: in the world, in others, and from the temptations of the evil one. The best way to guard ourselves against evil is to avoid every occasion of sin and to do God's will in the situation. And this ideal is best realized when we always immerse ourselves in prayer and in the celebration of Word and Sacrament.

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