Sunday, April 09, 2006

Passion Sunday, Year B

"Clearly this man was the Son of God."

Lectionary Readings for Passion Sunday, Year B

The gospel of Mark is dramatic, especially when it depicts Pontius Pilate
interrogating Jesus. Just reading the text of the gospel places in our
mind images of a life that was innocently condemned by a mainline religion
that wishes to save its people from the eyes of a watchful Empire who
does not like anyone of its subjects to "rock the boat" as it were.
Jesus, because of his love for the people, went out of the normal way,
departing from his comfort zone, in order to preach the kingdom of God
in word and deed. His style of mission really just involved healing
people, teaching people and preaching the good News. The reason the
leaders of their mainline religion were against him was because Jesus put
love above the law: healing many people on the Sabbath. This irked the
Pharisees and the scribes because nobody is to act or work on the Sabbath.
Another point they placed against Jesus was the controversial way Jesus
presented himself as God's Son and calling God, "Abba". For the Jewish
religious authorities, this is blasphemous.

The popularity of Jesus rose and many came to him for healing, to be
taught wisdom and to learn of the kingdom of God. Crowds always gathered
around him because they learn of his miracles and many of them have
sick they want to be healed. This large group of people, who probably
regularly followed him, caused fear and anxiety among the Jewish religious
leaders. They fear that Jesus, with his following, may subvert the
peace of the people and cause a revolution. And so, the Jewish leaders
plotted a way to have him arrested. Jesus, knew that his time was to
come, and so prepared himself for this.

The problem with the Jewish religious authorities was their lack of
perception and open-mindedness to the truth that Jesus was the Messiah.
Simple people did not have this problem because they see how Jesus
performed good works with their sick and in their lives. Even the centurion,
who belongs and represented the authority of the Empire, believed in
Jesus because of the manner of death he had underwent. Faith is a gift
not given to all. It is given only to those who open their minds to
the truth about Jesus. The Jewish religious authorities lack the faith
necessary to see the truth because their frame of mind and their mindsets
were dictated by their established law and tradition.

As we enter into Holy Week, let us examine our own frame of mind and our
own mindsets and ask ourselves, "Is my perception of Jesus as the center
of Truth in my life clouded with doubt?" Let us look deep down in our
hearts and reflect with the question, "What is preventing me to truly
believe in Jesus: denying myself, taking up my cross, and following Him?"

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