Wednesday, September 17, 2008

25th Sunday Year A


"The reign of God is like the case of the owner of an estate
who went out at dawn to hire workmen for his vineyard."

This Sunday, September 21, the gospel will teach through a parable,
about the generosity of God and His justice. Because of the way
God expresses His generosity in this parable, we will see that His
justice in not the way the world practices justice - especially in
the manner of compensating workers, laborers, and employees for the
work they have performed. The parable that Jesus uses to teach this
justice of God, truly makes us see (as the first reading from the
book of Isaiah teaches also), that because of God's mercy and His
generosity, "His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His ways are
not our ways". And, Isaiah also adds one more detail about God:
"God's ways are higher above our ways, and His thoughts are above
our thoughts". (Isaiah 55:6-9)

What is important in our Christian living, is that we never forget
that God is very merciful, very generous with His gifts and blessings,
and just in all His ways. To have faith in this as individuals, or
as family, is a gift we need to ask God in prayer. For despite all
the bad things that may happen to us (even though we always strive
to be good), we will surely at one time or another, suffer some pain
or injustice. But we will suffer all the more if we focus our problem
and look at it solely from a human point of view. If, however, as the
gospel this Sunday teaches, we focus on the generosity and justice
of God, we will be given the gift of understanding and the knowledge
to see God's ways and thoughts as truly above and beyond our own.
The lesson we are taught is not only to rely on our own intelligence
but to trust in the mystery of God's will.

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