Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tuesday in Holy Week

First reading: Isaiah 49:1-6
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 71
Gospel reading: John 13:21-33, 36-38

"And it was night."

The gospel account for Tuesday in Holy Week portrays a scene where
Jesus was at table with His disciples. There are many revelations
made in this gospel passage:

  • Judas will betray Jesus to the chief priests
  • The imminent passion, death and resurrection of Jesus
  • Peter denying Jesus three times

With these revelations, we can reflect on the sinful nature of our
humanity - as expressed in the persons of Judas and Peter.

Sin is often equated with darkness. That is why when Satan
entered Judas, Judas left the table were Jesus and His disciples
were reclining, and walked away into the night. Judas left the
source of Light, journeyed during the night - leading himself into
the direction of sin. The sin of Judas even led him to despair -
making him lose all sense of hope.

On the other hand, Peter's denial of Jesus occured just before the
cock crowed three times - a time when the darkness of night was
soon to turn into the light of dawn. Could this be symbolic of
the truth that Peter's denial of Christ would eventually lead him
to repentance and thus follow the direction of the Light? Whatever
truth this symbol means, what is important is Peter never lost
hope in the forgiveness and mercy of Jesus. He repented.

In our lives as Christians, our sinful nature may sometimes lead
us to be tempted to betray Christ by our sinful actions, and to
deny Christ by our sinful words. What is important is that we
always acknowledge with humility our sinfulness before God and
the Church through the sacrament of penance and reconciliation,
and never lose hope in God's mercy. If we follow this direction,
we will be led to greater fidelity in doing God's will and follow
Him as we deny ourselves, take up the crosses of our state of
life, and imitate Christ's sense of self-sacrificing service to
our family and community.

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