Sunday, December 06, 2009

3rd Sunday of Advent (C)

First reading: Zephaniah 3:14-18
Responsorial Psalm: Isaiah 12
Second reading: Philippians 4:4-7
Gospel reading: Luke 3:10-18

"He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and in fire."

The 3rd Sunday of Advent, traditionally called Gaudete Sunday,
presents a gospel passage from Luke. Luke presents John the
Baptist teaching three groups of people to repent in word, heart
and action: people who have extra coats and food to give to those
who have none; for tax collectors to exact nothing over and above
the fixed amount; and for soldiers not to bully anyone, denounce
no one falsely and to be content with their pay. As John taught
these groups of people, he reminded them also that he was not
the Messiah. He only baptizes with water, but the Messiah (who is
mightier than him and whom he is not fit to even loosen a strap
of His sandal) will come to baptize them in the Holy Spirit and
in fire.

Robert Karris, in his "Invitation to Luke", interprets this
passage by saying that those who are called for the Lord's
service, must go beyond lip service and actually produce the
fruits of repentance. He also mentions that this passage (with
its reference to three groups of people) are particular only to
Luke, and not to be found in the other gospels. And the specific
message which Luke gives through this passage is that repentance
from sin in preparation for the Lord's coming, should also show
itself in deeds and acts of justice and care for our brothers
and sisters in need.

In this time of Advent, we can prepare for the Lord's coming by
not only repenting inwardly in our heart and soul for all our
sins but also by acting in justice and care for those around us.
And this begins within the family, our social network of work,
business and profession, and the people in our neighborhood whom
we interact regularly as we fulfill all the responsibilities and
duties of our Christian vocation and state of life. Maybe this is
a good time to examine our conscience and see if our sorrow for
sin, our confessions and penance, bear fruits of justice, care,
and charity for others. What acts of justice, care and charity
can I still do this Advent season as an expression of sorrow
and repentance for my sins?

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