Friday, May 06, 2022

Doubt Not, But Believe

A Poem on the Resurrection Appearance of Jesus to the Apostles

Days have past
and light has shown
clearly on His apostles

Peace has been received
with much welcome and
joy and gladness.

Such radiance and brilliance
has erased all doubt from them
but darkness still clouds a mind
- one who was not present
when Light bathed and Peace
breathed through the whole Cenacle.

"I will only believe when I see"
"It's true!" "He's alive!"
"Light has shone through the
darkness of our hearts.
Peace has entered our soul.
We believe. He is alive!"

"I will only believe when I see"


Silence covers the Cenacle.
Prayer is the common language.
One heart, one soul, one mind.
Believing in faith. Yet one doubts.

"Light appears"
"Peace be with you!"
Thomas, come and see
the marks on my hands
and side. Do not doubt.
Doubt not but believe.

As Thomas saw and held,
Light flooded his soul
the darkness melted away
from his heart. And faith
shone brilliantly within him.
"My Lord and My God!"
he exclaimed. I believe in
You and Your Resurrection.

Happy are you Thomas for you
have seen the Light. Blessed are
those who have not seen yet
For by their faith,
the darkness in their being
shall be dispelled.

Context of the poem is the Resurrection appearance of Jesus to the apostolic community and to Thomas.

Stanzas 1 and 2 describe how the apostolic community have gathered for a period of time when the light of Christ's resurrection began to dawn on them. Stanza 2 describes Christ Himself appearing to the apostolic community.

Stanza 3 describes how the apostles' doubt was dispelled by witnessing Christ in person. It also mentions the absence of Thomas who was not present in the Cenacle in the first Risen appearance of Jesus to the apostolic community.

Stanza 4 describes Thomas entering the scene and interacting with the apostles. He does not believe, but the apostles convince him by their experience.

Stanza 5 affirms the disbelief of Thomas.

Stanza 6 presents the whole community of apostles and disciples with Thomas praying together. All of them believe in Jesus risen again save for Thomas.

Stanza 7 presents Jesus appearing again to the apostolic community. Jesus calls Thomas to faith.

Stanza 8 presents Thomas exclamation of faith in the Risen Christ.

Stanza 9 presents the Risen Christ encouraging Thomas, the apostolic community, and all generations proceeding from them the importance of faith without seeing.

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