Saturday, August 17, 2024

Memorial of Saints (August 17)

on August 17:

  • Hyacinth, confessor;
  • Mamas, martyr;
  • Eusebius, priest;
  • Liberatus and Companions, martyrs;
  • Clare of Montefalco, virgin

Mamas (d. ca. 275 A.D.) was a shepherd at Caesarea, Cappadocia. There are two stories about him:

  • The Roman Martyrology says he was the son of Saints Theodotus and Rufina, and was executed for his faith in his old age during the reign of Emperor Aurelian.
  • An Eastern tradition says he was stoned to death when he was a boy. St. Basil and St. Gregory Nazianzen both wrote of the story of Mamas.

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Memorial of Saints (September 18)

Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints for September 18 Joseph of Cupertino, confessor; Ferreolus, martyr; Methodiu...