Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Memorial of Saints (October 16)

Feasts, Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints

  • Martinian and Companions and Maxima;
  • Gall;
  • Mommolinus, bishop;
  • Bercharius, abbot;
  • Lull, bishop;
  • Anastasius of Cluny;
  • Bertrand of Comminges, bishop;
  • Gerard Majella

St. Anastasius of Cluny (ca. 1020-1085) was born in Venice, became a monk at Mont St. Michel, then left to live as a hermit on an island off the coast of Normandy. About 1066 A.D. St. Hugh convinced him to be a monk at Cluny. After seven years, Pope St. Gregory VII sent him on a mission in Spain. He spent the last years of his life as a hermit near Toulouse.

St. Gerard Majella (1726-1755 A.D.) was born in Muro in southern Italy. He joined the Redemptorists as a lay brother in 1748 A.D. and was professed by its founder, St. Alphonsus Liguori, in 1752 A.D. As a tailor and infirmarian in the Redemptorist community, he was known for his spiritual gifts of bilocation, prophecy, ecstasies, visions and infused knowledge. In the last few months of his life, he raised funds for new buildings at Caposele, where he died from consumption. Canonized in 1904, he is the patron of childbirth.

More on Saints: October 16

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Memorial of Saints (October 18)

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