Sunday, March 05, 2006

1st Sunday of Lent, Year B

"Reform your lives and believe in the good news!"

Lectionary Readings for the 1st Sunday of Lent, Year B

The Spirit led Jesus into the desert where he was tempted by the
evil one. Satan tested Jesus and wanted Jesus to take a path that
was not of the Father's plan. Jesus, strong as he was because of
the Spirit in him, was able to resist these temptations and continued
with the mission entrusted to him by the Father.

After the test in the desert, Jesus appeared in Galilee and began
his ministry. His rallying cry was "reform your lives and
believe in the good news!" This was a preparation for people to
turn away from their sinful ways and believe in the salvation that
Jesus was offering them.

In this liturgical season of Lent, let us examine our life at this
time and see how many times we have been unable to resist the
temptations of the flesh, the world and the evil one. When we have
fallen, could it be because we have not rooted our life well in
Jesus? Perhaps we were so immersed in the world that we have
forgotten to pray to Jesus and ask him the strength to resist
sin. Let us then pray for sorrow for our sins and find means and
ways to reconcile with God through the sacrament of confession.
By constantly examining ourselves and being responsible for our
acts of sin, we are in the right step and direction of reforming
our life and believing in the good news Jesus offers us: that he
is victorious over sin and evil.

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