Sunday, March 12, 2006

2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B

"This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him."

Lectionary Readings for 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B

This gospel passage is the biblical source for the fourth mystery of
light: The Transfiguration of our Lord. Here, we find Jesus being
transfigured before the eyes of the three disciples who were closest
to him: Peter, James and John. As he was transfigured, he became
dazzling white and Moses and Elijah appeared with him - both beside
him. The event was so awe-inspiring that Peter impulsively said that
they were willing to build three booths at that site: one for each
of them: Jesus, Elijah and Moses. However, the three disciples
misunderstood the event. What was important was the message imparted
to them by the Father: "This is my Son, my beloved. Listen to him."
Jesus was transfigured for the disciples so that they may believe
that in Jesus, the glory of God may be manifested to all.

Jesus enters our life not once but many times. When he enters our
life, we are called to really listen to him. Sometimes, we become
deaf because of the many noises within us and in our environment,
that we fail to really listen to him. And yet that is what we are
called to really do, for he tells us that he is the Way, the Truth
and the Life. Just as he manifested to the apostles the glory of
God, we too can witness how glorious our Lord is through the many
human and spiritual experiences we go through: in our prayer, in
our reception of the sacraments, in our service to the Church, and
in the many ways he heals us, teaches us wisdom, and shepherds us
to life in him. However this is good for us, to see how glorious
the Lord is, all he asks of us, and all the Father wants us to
really do, is to listen to him. For it is in listening to him
that we obey and do his will.

In this liturgical season of Lent, let us, amidst all our activities
and work, really take some quality time, some quiet time to really
be tranquil, serene, and silent before the Lord our Maker, Creator
and Provider. Let us listen to him more intently and discern what
he is asking of us to do in order to serve him more. Lent is really
a time for reconciling ourselves to the Lord. And what better form
of reconciliation we can perform than to really be at the foot of
the Lord's throne and making ourselves ready to listen to whatever
word he has to say to us. And as we listen, let us not forget to
be repentant and to atone for all our sinfulness. Let us not forget
how sinful we have been, how we have not forgiven those who wronged
us, how we have not really prayed from the heart, how we have not
practiced almsgiving, and how we have lived lives that are not
humble and modest. When we do admit this to him in prayer or in
the sacrament of confession, we shall be placed again in his favor
and really be ready to listen to his word.

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