Saturday, January 03, 2009

Feast of the Epiphany, Year B

"They prostrated themselves and did Him homage."

1st Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 72

2nd Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3, 5-6

Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12

The feast of the Ephiphany is the manifestation of the Child
Jesus to the world. It was prophesied that from Bethlehem "shall
come a ruler to shepherd" Israel. Astrologers from the East knew
this and they traveled to Jerusalem. King Herod then became
aware of this news from them, and was greatly disturbed (as this
"ruler" could be a threat to his reign). As the astrologers set
out then from Jerusalem, to follow the they saw the
star come to a standstill over the place where the Child Jesus
was, they entered the house, saw Mary with the Child, prostrated
themselves, and did Jesus homage. They presented gifts of gold,
frankincense, and myrrh.

Through the gospel passages that we have heard this season of
Advent and Christmas, we find many people and things leading us
to Jesus: St. John the Baptist, pointing out Jesus to us as the
Lamb of God; Samuel telling us that Jesus would bring the rise
and downfall of many in Israel; and the prophetess Anna, talking
about the Child Jesus as the Deliverer of Jerusalem. Also, now
we have a star from Bethlehem leading us to where we can find
the Child Jesus lying in the lowly manger attended to by His
Mother Mary and His foster father Jesus. We have three prophets
and a star leading to Jesus.

People we encounter in life and the signs of the times, also
lead us to Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Whenever people lead us
to a greater spirit of charity, generosity, kindness, patience,
joy, peace, goodness, and fidelity, it is for certain that we
are led to re-acknowledge Christ and His Spirit as the center
of our lives. And as the star of Bethlehem led the astrologers
from the East to the Child Jesus, wherever there is light in
our present times - that too, will also lead us to the greater
Light who is Christ. So, as we are led by others to Christ, we
too are called to lead others to Jesus - in the same way that
we have been shown the way (through acts of charity, kindness,
patience, mercy, forgiveness, peace, etc.) Even in these times
when we see patches of darkness in our world, let the Church
show us the way to the Light - Christ, our Prince of Peace.
And when we re-discover Christ as the Light of our life, it is
but fitting to pay homage to Him who is our Savior and our King.

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