Saturday, January 10, 2009

Feast of the Lord's Baptism, Year B

Feast of the Lord's Baptism, Year B
"You are My beloved Son."

1st Reading: Isaiah 55:1-11
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 29
2nd Reading: 1 John 5;1-9
Gospel: Mark 1:1-11

This Sunday's gospel is taken from the gospel of Mark. The
brief passage tells the story of Jesus being baptized by John
the Baptist. The description of the baptismal scene is filled
with rich imagery. The account tells us that after Jesus was
baptized by St. John in the river Jordan, immediately after
Jesus came up out of the water, the sky "was rent in two" and
the "Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove". And then a voice
came from the heaven, saying: "You are My beloved Son. On You
My favor rests."

Jesus is the perfect model for our Christian life. Though He
was greater than St. John the Baptist, in obedience to the
Father's will, He underwent John's baptism. His baptism sealed
and confirmed His Sonship before the Father - something meant
for us to know. When we are baptized, we also share in the
Sonship of Jesus and become sons and daughters of the Father.
We are also initiated into a life of following Christ - by
obeying the Father's will, as we work and live as Christian
families witnessing to the Father's love for us. And just as
the Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove, upon our baptism,
we also receive the Holy Spirit, that we may be granted the
grace and the strength to live good and virtuous Christian

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