Monday, April 29, 2013

5th Sunday of Easter (C)

Inspire in Us the Practice of Good (2011-2013):

Sunday Reflections for Liturgical Years 2011 (A), 2012 (B), and 2013 (C)

5th Sunday of Easter (C), April 28, 2013

Liturgical readings
Acts 14:21-27
Psalm 145
Revelation 21:1-5
John 13:31-33, 34-35

"This is how all will know you for my disciples."

Once Judas
had left the cenacle

Jesus said:

is the Son of Man

and God
has been glorified
in him,

God will,
in turn,
glorify him in himself,
and will glorify him soon

My children,
I am not to be with you
    much longer.

I give you a new commandment:

Love one another.

Such as my love
    has been for you,
    so must your love
        be for each other.

This is how all will know you
    for my disciples:

your love for one another".

Points for reflection and prayer:
"Paul and Barnabas gave their disciples reassurances, and encouraged
them to persevere in the faith." (Acts 14)
"The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness." (Psalm 145)
"He shall be their God who is always with them." (Revelation 21)

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