Monday, June 17, 2013

11th Sunday of the Year (C)

Inspire in Us the Practice of Good (2011-2013):

11th Sunday of the Year (C), June 16, 2013

Liturgical readings
2 Samuel 12:7-10
Psalm 32
Galatians 2:16, 19-21
Luke 7:36 - 8:3

"Her many sins are forgiven - because of her great love."

There was a certain Pharisee
who invited Jesus to dine with him.

Jesus went to the Pharisee's home
and reclined to eat.

A woman
known in the town
        to be a sinner
learned that he was dining
        in the Pharisee's home.

She brought in a vase of perfumed oil
and stood behind him at his feet,


so that her tears fell upon his feet.

she wiped them with her hair,
kissing them and
perfuming them with the oil.

When his host,
the Pharisee,
saw this,
he said to himself,

"If this man were a prophet,
he would know who
and what sort of woman
this is that touches him,
- that she is a sinner."

In answer to his thought,
Jesus said to him,

I have something to propose to you,"

he said,

"Two men owed money
to a certain money-lender;
one owed a total of five hundred coins,
the other fifty.

Since neither was able to repay,
he wrote off both debts.

Which of them was more grateful to him?"

Simon answered,
"He, I presume,
to whom he remitted the larger sum."

Jesus said to him,
"You are right."

Turning then to the woman,
he said to Simon:

"You see this woman?
I came to your home
and you provided me with no water for my feet.

        She has washed my feet with her tears
        and wiped them with her hair.

You gave me no kiss,

        but she has not ceased kissing my feet
        since I entered.

You did not anoint my head with oil,

        but she has anointed my feet with perfume.

I tell you,
that is why her many sins are forgiven
- because of her great love.

Little is forgiven
the one whose love is small."

He said to her then,
"Your sins are forgiven,"

at which his fellow guests
began to ask among themselves,

"Who is this
that he even forgives sins?"

he said to the woman,
"Your faith has been your salvation.
Go now in peace."

After this
he journeyed through
towns and villages
preaching and proclaiming
the good news
of the kingdom of God.

The Twelve
accompanied him,
and also some women
who had been cured of evil spirits
and maladies;

Mary called the Magdalene,
from whom seven devils had gone out,

the wife of Herod's steward Chuza,


and many others
who were assisting them
out of their means.

Points for reflection and prayer:
"The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin: you shall not die." (1 Kings)
"You are my shelter; from distress you will preserve me." (Psalm 30)
"I will not treat God's gracious gift as pointless." (Galatians)

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