Monday, July 11, 2022

St. Benedict and His Way of Integration

"Integration: The Way of St. Benedict" by Anselm Grun, OSB

Introduction: The Catholic Church honors the obligatory memorial of St. Benedict of Nursia every July 11. He is one of the six saints who were declared as patrons of Europe.

St. Benedict's influence comes from his monastic spirituality - which began in the 4th century. It is based on a Rule that is adopted by many religious institutes since then. There is so much to learn from this Rule and the Saint himself who discovered a way of integration, a process of development, a way of self-realization, a manner of individuation, and a method of journeying into one's own unique personhood.

"Integration: The Way of St. Benedict"

In this book by Anselm Grun, OSB, the author uses Pope St. Gregory's biography of St. Benedict as a way to re-read how the saint journeyed into the full maturity of Christ's image - the end by which we are called to grow into by virtue of our being baptized into Christ's person. In the book, the author gives an example through St. Benedict: how to be one with yourself; how to reconcile yourself with your evil side (your shadow); how to integrate your anima (for men) and animus (for women) - feminine and masculine psychological components; how to free yourself from your egoism; how to deal with people; and how to become one with God.

A great help for midlifers

For those who are in midlife, this is one very good resource to read and reread. It is a source of good insights on the mystery of human growth - both in its psychological and spiritual aspects. The title of the book itself, "Integration", is a term often associated for those journeying into their midlife years - years that are filled with reflecting on one's experiences in youth, and connecting those reflections with incoming old age. The fruit of these reflections and accompanying prayers is human development in wisdom, and the constant practice of prudence in judgment and decisions.

Topics and chapters in the book

To have an idea of what the book contains, below is a list of the chapters and topics of the book:

  • Steps on Benedict's way

  • The first step into freedom

  • Separation from the mother

  • Solitary in the cave

  • Meeting with people

  • Temptation through recollection of a woman

  • The spiritual fatherhood

  • Collapse of the first venture

  • Dwelling within himself

  • Renewed attempt at spiritual guidance

  • The signs of the prophets

  • The old enemy in a new location

  • Marvels of knowledge

  • Marvels of deeds

  • Integration of the anima

  • The cosmic vision

  • The Rule as witness of Benedict's stature

  • The consummation

  • Benedict's continued activity: a healing in the cave

Related resources:

  • Dictionary of Saints, by John J. Delaney

  • "A Year with the Saints" by Don Bosco Press, Inc.

  • "Doctors of the Church" by Fink

  • "Saints for Our Time" by Ransom

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