Thursday, September 12, 2024

Memorial of Saints (September 12)

Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints for September 12

  • Ailbhe, bishop;
  • Eanswida, virgin;
  • Guy of Anderlecht

St. Eanswida (d. ca. 640 A.D.) was the daughter of a King of Kent. When her father wanted to have her married to a pagan Northumbrian prince, she resisted. But with her father's consent, she founded a convent near Folkestone, Kent, in 630 A.D. She spent the rest of her life there in prayer and penance.

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Memorial of Saints (September 18)

Obligatory and Optional Memorials of Saints for September 18 Joseph of Cupertino, confessor; Ferreolus, martyr; Methodiu...